Cast of Characters

My given name is Katie, it is not a nickname, I don’t like the name Kate. Katie Lynn is such a marvelous farm girl name! Thanks Mom!  I am an herbalist by trade and own the cutest little Apothecary in the west. The Garden Fairy Apothecary is its name. My heart is as a housewife as much as it is a shop keeper and I love putzing around my mini-farm.

My husband, Doug,  is a funny, wonderfully spirited man who was taught growing up that if you couldn’t fix it with a butter knife, you best call a professional! He is my partner on this adventure.

My son, Andrew is 19 and really doesn’t live here but we see him run through occasionally to take a shower or use the computer. Our daughter Shyanne is 16 and rarely home because her boyfriend lives five houses down. Our other daughter, Emily, is here at least half the week when not with her boyfriend! We are apparently being prepared to be empty nesters.

Our goal is to be farmers and we are learning most unconventionally, by trial and error, as neither of our families are farmers. Mine were a few generations ago, but I only have nostalgic stories to go by for information. I am writing this blog because I love to write, and to keep a sort of how-to log for other up and coming farmers and homesteaders.  Also, it will become a record for me to see my progress, as sometimes we forget how far we’ve come.  So, I will sit at this computer, who is not my friend- I am still waiting for typewriters to come back in style- and write to dear friends and hopefully keep you laughing while becoming a farmgirl.


  1. Look for an old copy of the Readers Digest book, “Back To Basics” for a great beginning guide to all things homesteadish. It really does cover the basics and is full of lots of ideas to get you started.

  2. I too have three kiddos, 21, 17 and 16, all young men who are never home with their parents. Glad to share a comraderie in a heart for the country life and soon-to-be empty nesters. Thanks for sharing your stories and life lessons.

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